Naava Koblenz, Artist

 Artist Naava Koblenz at a cafe in front of 3 of her works.
Sample works by artist Naava Koblenz

Naava is an artist.

Naava Koblenz was educated at the Betzalel Academy of Art and Design in Jerusalem. With many museums tours around the world, studying in Italy and teaching Art, Naava continues to pursue her own artistic interests and produces works of beauty using varied techniques.

from places to paintings

Naava's vision translates from places to paintings.




A view of Naava Koblenz studio with typical large works

View these acrylics on canvases, mostly done by fingers and palm. (48 x 48)

Painting of a green pear by Naava Koblenz

A Pear, 48 x 48

Painting of a brown pear by Naava Koblenz

Brown Pear, 12 x 12

Painting of a red pear by Naava Koblenz

Red Pear, 12 x 12

Painting of a lemon by Naava Koblenz

Lemon, 48 x 48

Pear and Pitcher, 12 x 12

Painting of a tomato by Naava Koblenz

Tomato, 48 x48

Painting of an artichoke by Naava Koblenz

Artichoke, 48 x48

Painting of dining utensils by Naava Koblenz

Utensils, 12 x 16

3 landscapae paintings by Naava Koblenz

Three Landscapes, each 12 x 36

Red and blue abstract paintings by Naava Koblenz

Red Dahlias and Blue Dahlias, each 24 x 24

Two paintings of women by Naava Koblenz

Blue Woman, 36 x 48 and Red Woman, 12 x 36




Four views of Beacon-Newburg bridge by Naava Koblenz

4 Views of Beacon-Newburg Bridge

grid of food photos by Naava Koblenz

Sicily Food Grid

photos of sliced pomegranate and tomato by Naava Koblenz

Sliced Pomegranate and Tomato

photos of two scenes by Naava Koblenz

Two Moments:
at MOMA and in China

photos of two scenes by Naava Koblenz

In China and Cambodia




masks by Naava Koblenz
masks by Naava Koblenz

Mad Hatter

mask by Naava Koblenz





Naava Koblenz in mask and costume

If you are interested in purchasing any of her work, contact Naava:

Instagram: @naavabk

Hudson Valley, NY

(Naava in mask and costume)